download program from Picaxe to 18M2+ Picaxe


New Member
I know that this question was placed other times but I need other information due to specific application.
I have about 100 boards with Picaxe 18M2+ chip installed.
I need to program this boards without a pc. I want to realize an external board with Picaxe chip on board and use it to program the other boards.
Could someone help me?


Senior Member
Hello Akard,
It is not entirely clear to me why you want to do this (and it seems not possible yet as Nick has indicated). Is it just because of the time needed to program a hundred boards? Or do you want to re-program them as part of the application (based on some (sensor) input that the master gets). In that case you may take a different view and connect the boards serially and control their behavior in a 1 master - multiple slave approach -> no reprogramming needed and the master could use the SEROUT with qualifiers to steer the behavior of the slaves. Just a quick thought.


Senior Member
Maybe he's not in control of these 100 boards and wants to provide an update while protecting his IP/program for being viewed.


New Member
I need to do that because

1) this 100 boards wasn't in my hand
2) I could not program remotely all of them
3) I do now want to fully share my source code with end users

so I need to program this boards giving a programming card to end user...
that's all
How about sending them a pre-programmed 18M2+ with the updated software? I would think It`s cheaper than sending them a full board to reprogram their units.

I was also thinking if it would be possible to use a PicAxe who supported writing slots to eeprom and make a program who did serout the values of that eeprom to the other chip. Could it be as simple as: send the first value of the eeprom wait for ack and then send the next one etc.?? Keep in mind that I don`t know how the slot-programming actually works and this is just wishful thinking of my part. Would be interesting to test it tough.


Senior Member
I was also thinking if it would be possible to use a PicAxe who supported writing slots to eeprom and make a program who did serout the values of that eeprom to the other chip. Could it be as simple as: send the first value of the eeprom wait for ack and then send the next one etc.?? Keep in mind that I don`t know how the slot-programming actually works and this is just wishful thinking of my part. Would be interesting to test it tough.
Certainly seems possible, but this will require a costly 28X2/40X2 and it will be complicated to get the program onto it since the tokenised program must be dumped via the serial port then programmed into the PICAXE since the PICAXE cannot write much of its own non-volatile memory.


Senior Member
The PICAXE Net Server can do this, so if the protocol for programming was available, then it should be relatively easy to do.