displaying b2's value on ldc screen dosnt work on second line

my project involves variable b2 counting up to 4 and displaying b2's values ("1-4") on an LCD screen.
The value is displayed on the fist line, but when i try to display it on the second line i cant.

here is my code, thanks for any help.;)

    pause 500 ; wait for display to initialise
    serout B.1,N2400,(254,1)
    pause 30

   serout B.1,N2400,(254,128)   ; move to start of first line
   serout B.1,N2400,("places taken")  ; output text
   irout b.2, 1, 16   ; Send the command 
   pause 45      ; Pause after each command sent 

   readadc b.3,b1
   if b1 <50 then goto in_the_beam  'the car needs to be in the beam, but the exit the beam for b2 to count down, 
   'otherwise a car could sit in the beam for too long and cause multiple spaces to be displayed as taken.
   'if b1 >50 then 
   goto main
   readadc b.3,b1
   pause 500
   if b1 >50 then goto out_of_the_beam
   goto in_the_beam

   let b2 = b2 +1 ;the car is now out of the beam so display one less space as available (count up from 4)
   if b1 < 50 then goto in_the_beam
   serout b.1, n2400, ( 254, 128 ) 'second line
   pause 500
   serout b.1, N2400, (#b2)
   if b2=4 then goto full  'stop b1 from counting up (maximum spaces taken up)
  goto main

  let b2=4 'stop at 0=4
  serout b.1, n2400, ( 254, 128 ) 'second line
  serout b.1, n2400, ( b1,"park is full " )
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Senior Member
Hi t...
you can select any position on the second line

serout b.1, n2400, ( 254, 192 ) 'second line position 192 - 211

and first line position is from 128 - 147