Difference in 'basic' and 'Liberty basic'


New Member
Can someone please explain the difference in the basic that is referred to in this picaxe website and the Liberty Basic that PH Anderson refers to on his site www.phanderson.com ?


Ex-Staff (retired)
I couldn't find a mention of Liberty Basic on that site, but assume you mean this one -


Differences between that any Basic language and the Basic used for the PICAXE are numerous and huge. For one, PICAXE Basic is used for programming a PICAXE alone, while Liberty BASIC is a general purpose programming language for Windows PC's.

While they both serve a common goal of allowing people to undertake programming, and both are suited for the job they do, those are perhaps the only things they have in common.


New Member
Below is a link to an example:

Also, I must ask; is the website below yours?

Thanks for your reply.


New Member
Can you tell me the main differences? ie is one compliled and the other not, etc.?

Sounds like I need to stick to the version tha rev-ed puts out on their webpage.


Ex-Staff (retired)
The main difference is that one is for PICAXE the other is not, so you do have to use Rev-Ed's Basic if you want to program PICAXE's.

Yes, that is my web site.