Creating an HID device


Hello all.

I have been thinking about a next project to do and I think I know but am a little lost on how to do it. I want to take a bunch of normally open buttons and connect them to the picaxe. I would then continuously poll these buttons for their status. But, I want to send the button states to the computer. I actually want to make a gamepad. I searched around the internet a bit and found out that a family of PICs have built in HID support for 2.0 USB. Now, I wouldn't mind going that route but I kinda want to do it with a picaxe since I got a bunch of them here. Since there are no picaxe chips with USB support is there some sort of IC that can go between the computer and picaxe? Something like where I would send data to the IC and the IC would then send it over to the USB port.

Also, I kinda want the solution to require no drivers. A nice plug n play kind of setup.

Anyone did this kind of thing before?