Couldn't find new PICAXEs on website


New Member
I must be losing my marbles... but I always go via when I want to buy stuff and look at the latest for sale. I haven't read the forum for a while but I notice that people are using 28x2 chips.

I wondered how people were getting hold of them and why I couldn't see them!

I've finally found them on the website, but is there any reason why I can't find them where I normally look. I might have bought some earlier if I'd realised.



note this is your first post, so welcome to the PICAXE forum.

What country do you live in? :confused:
Here in Australia, MicroZed are the main distributors

and others such as Altronics also sell PICAXE chips, boards etc (at slightly higher prices than MicroZed).


New Member
I'm in the UK, Southwest England (not too far from Rev-Ed, either.. we went kayaking through Bath a couple of years ago).

It's still baffling to find the two sites from the same company with different content.