

Senior Member
A better choice for making a 'real' computer with embedded Basic would be to look at the Maximite. It supports graphics, keyboard and mass storage.


Senior Member
A Picaxe may not be the best choice for making "computer". However if you are willing to jump through a lot of hoops and spend money on a serial VGA display (4Dsystems?) you can probably do it. An alternative text only display could be done with VT100 codes and a Terminal Application like TerraTerm. The Picaxe does not support mass storage devices such as SD Cards so that will have to be done with SPI (or bit banged) and will be pretty slow due to processing overhead. Then there is interfacing a keyboard....

Tell us what you are wanting to do ( features, etc ) and more help/advise can be offered.


Senior Member

What is the purpose ?

- to get a computer for a specific application
- to learn how a computer works

John West

Senior Member
A PICAXE is designed to do a lot as is. But making a full computer out of a PICAXE is like turning two motorcycles into an automobile. Sure you can bolt them together with a frame and add a shell and windows around them and spend months making it all work together, but why not just buy a car?

The PICAXE is much like a motorcycle. It comes complete with everything needed to do specific jobs, but that attribute makes it awkward for it to be used as a generalized computer.