AXE027 on a Mac


New Member
I recently purchaced a AXE027 USB cable in the hope of being able to program PICs from a Mac. I went through the installation procedures contained the AXE027 PICAXE USB CABLE.pdf. The installation of the drive appeared to be successful. After retstarting the computer, I examine the /dev directory, but the file entry "/dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxxxxx" was not present. I went thru the troubleshooting exercise described in the .pdf, but nothing changed.

Has any one successfully, implement the cable on a Mac.

I'm running OSX 10.5.6.


Technical Support
Staff member
We have a number of Macs here that work fine with the AXE027 driver - if the installation worked ok you should get an entry as soon as the cable is inserted. Restart the computer, insert the cable, run the MacAXEpad software. In MacAXEpad select View>Options menu and hit the 'USB setup' button. If the cable is found the cable number will then be reported.