As I can solve this?


New Member
I have a diseno that a computer works with balances via rs232 and, my card receives data of the balance continuously, sends it to the computer and this it responds to the card, my problem is:

1) the following one: if the balance lets trasmitir by any motive picaxe 18x, it stops (because the commando serin, this waiting for the data), and I I need to continue the single process to warn that the balance this disconnected, and to ignore then serin, until it detects the connection, does not exist some internal interrupt in picaxe?
, Or some way to ignore serin, if in certain time answer is not received? And one completes question (So far). They are not trying to connect picaxe to router or network tcpip without adapters or special cards, that is to say, with electronics of diseno and adsequibles components,

it is that it is my country, are not obtained, and to be able to matter in $, $ are due to ask the government by means of CADIVI (Venezuela), and all we do not have that access, is impossible to me by credit cards! , I need to do it with common components, some idea or suggestion?


New Member
This is a problem with Picaxe, the scale and comunication with picaxe, and command serin, and interruptions, or not is this ?, with Basic Atom, I can do it !, but I no want change all my program and desings


The 28X1 supports serin with timeout.
Alternatives have been discussed frequently on this forum. Most implement interrupts such that serin is only initiated once data is available.


New Member
thanks, BeanieBots, with that I has left to obtain 28x1, thanks are enough to me, I finished of my greater problem of data, single and excuse if me out for the reach of the forum, that by the way is helpful, thousand thanks to all for its aid.