5.1.2 Viniculum Datasheets


Ex-Staff (retired)
Does anyone know what minimum version of Acrobat Reader is needed to read the USB030 and USB031 PDF's ? I cannot read the ones on Viniculum's site and a lot of FTDI ones either so it's not a Rev-Ed issue.

I have Acrobat Reader 4.05 and more recent versions ( 6.00 up ) invariably result in having to re-install Win98SE from previous experience.

Alternatively; does anyone know how to / can convert them to an older PDF format ?


New Member
Easy solution is a quick download of Foxit software's PDF reader. It's free, small and much faster than Adobe's.

<A href='http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader_2/down_reader.htm' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>


Edited by - noesisdg on 08/06/2007 05:26:54