5.1.1 #PICAXE Directive Bug


Ex-Staff (retired)
Using a #PICAXE directive in my code, with conditional compilation depending on PICAXE variant later, I find that when changing the directive to a different PICAXE, if I re-compile it sometimes throws a Syntax Error with constants .<code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'>#picaxe 18x ; Use 14M or 18X
#ifdef 14M
Symbol BAUD = N2400
#ifdef 18X
Symbol BAUD = N4800
#endif </font></pre></code> Compiles okay. Change to '#PICAXE 18X' and syntax check errors on N4800. The next syntax check works fine.

Seems to be related to 14M rather than any other variant.

Edited by - hippy on 20/05/2007 19:38:16