28X1 article in latest N&V


Senior Member
The August issue of Nuts & Volts contains an introduction to the 28X1 by Ron Hackett (the article also gives this forum a plug!). However, I’m pretty sure that Ron has made a mistake when stating that the 28X1 has 28 General purpose Variables. If he is correct, I don’t have to wait for the X2 after all.


Senior Member
Sorry Ron. Just found the scroll-down bar on the simulator window and found all those extra variables below b13. Maybe I should read the manual some time!


New Member
Ron also talked about a new feature introduced for the pwm command. In reading the manual it talks about single mode. Does this mean that each pwm output channel can now be run independantly at different percents of on time? From reading previous posts i was led to believe that older chips had multiple pwm outputs but only one pwm driver within the chip. Lots of the people interested in RGB leds would like to know this.


28X1 and variables

The August issue of Nuts & Volts contains an introduction to the 28X1 by Ron Hackett (the article also gives this forum a plug!). However, I’m pretty sure that Ron has made a mistake when stating that the 28X1 has 28 General purpose Variables. If he is correct, I don’t have to wait for the X2 after all.

Have a look at my Memory/variable map which was expanded to cover a lot for most PICAXEs (see last verion at posts 10 and 11)
I'm no expert (that's for sure), so I'm glad I stated the number of variables correctly for the 28X1. (I do read the manual from time to time! :)

I'm having a lot of fun doing the PICAXE column for Nuts & Volts, and I certainly hope it's increasing awareness of the PICAXE here in the US.

Of course I plug the Forum - whenever I get stuck, it's the first place I search and I usually find the answer to my problem - thanks to everyone for that!
