10 led bar graph


Senior Member
I need to use a 10 LED bar graph to gisplay a LPG gas reading. but using a picaxe to control all 10 LEDs is a disguisting waste of outputs...
Are there any solutions to this.

One thing I did consider is to use 10 inputs and make the inputs low and connect the LEDs to the 3v + and the input pin. with a 220 ohm resistor and a signal diode.

are there any ideas that involve using less than 10 of any type of pin??
One wire bus?



New Member
A few options but all require other chips.
HC595 serial to parallel chips. Can put two in series to get 16 outputs or live with just 8 outputs. Takes 3 pins on a picaxe to drive a HC595.
You could use a LM3914 10 led display and drive it off a voltage created with PWM and a RC filter.
You could go for 2 7segment displays and display as numbers.
You could use an LCD display 16x2 characters and display as solid blocks in a bargraph (least power consumption option).
Plus other options I'm sure.


Senior Member

I thought this much.
using multiple ICs provides lots of opportunities that are more bennificial than an led bar graph so I would probably go for a seven segment display or LCD etc


perhaps I could go up in twos.
That is have two leds for one output thats 5 outputs which is a lot better.



Senior Member
Have used the LM3914 that the Dr suggests. simple to hook up and provides the current control for the LEDs eliminating the resisitors - just hook it up to a 10 Led Bargraph module.


Using PWM to drive an analogue input is as described by Dr_Acula.
The PWM DUTY (the amount of time high vs the amount of time low) charges/discharges a capacitor which results in an analogue voltage which is the same percentage of the supply voltage as the percentage of the duty.

Having said that, Manuka's suggestion of using a 20M is worth considering. Slightly harder to build (you would need current limit resistors on EACH LED) but much more versatile (you could customise the trip points and illumination patterns).