1 wire EEPROM


I just found out that Dallas Maxim came out with a 20Kb 1-wire EEPROM <A href='http://www.maxim-ic.com/quick_view2.cfm/qv_pk/5453' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>.

With the new &quot;X&quot; versions of the PICAXE, the OWIN command will make it a snap. It looks like all you need is one pullup resistor for the I/O pin.


Senior Member
Great find-I note their &quot;free sample&quot; offer as well! Amazingly this is in a 3 lead BC547 look-alike TO-92 package too. Can't say I've ever run acros memory in such packaging, even though it's consistent with &quot;1 wire&quot; in the DS18B20 style. Yikes- hope they've CLEARLY labelled it, as visions of misuse in NPN circuits (&amp; vice versa)arise!

EXTRA: Have found their one up costs are US$2.55, so things are certainly appealing. With the increasingly weak $US this is not much more than a UK pound! Stan

Edited by - manuka on 17/07/2007 10:57:34


You could always just cut off pin number three manuka, since it is noit used anyways &lt;GRIN&gt;