08M2 Program Download Problem


New Member
One of the best flux solvents i've found is isopropyl alcohol. That with an old toothbrush, then finish off with an old hair dryer.
My local chemist here in lincoln sells a 1L container, although i did have to convince hime that it was for electronics use....
Hope you get sorted out, theres nothing worse than a lingering problem.
Regards john


OK, so finally got new 08M2 in place and it "works"....see below. So I suspect I fried the first chip.

Using this program
	sertxd("At main")
	high 4
	sertxd("High 4")
	pause 1000
	low 4
	sertxd("Low 4")
	pause 1000
	goto main
The terminal window shows the At main, high 4 and low 4 messages cycling round, but the led does not light.

Manual 1 suggests the following circuit:

manual test circuit.jpg

And the pinout is this:

08m2 Pins.jpg

So which is "output pin 4"? I have tried my led from pin 5 (C.2) and pin 6 (C.1) but without success.

All help and advice gratefull received.


I am confused!


It would be worthwhile your reading PICAXE manual 1 (V7.8) page 72 which gives details of the pin naming conventions.

Commands such as HIGH 4 are more appropriate for the older M, X and X1 PICAXE chips.

For the newer M2 and X2 parts then format such as HIGH C.4 using the port.pin designations as shown in PICAXE manual 1 pages 10 and 11 are more appropriate to avoid confusion for users and those helping solve problems.