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    Xbee Ping Test behaving strangley: Jumper 1 on AXE210 "doesn't work"

    Xbee Ping Test behaving strangely: Jumper 1 on AXE210 "doesn't work" Hello, I have been playing with the Xbees, only some basic range/reliability stuff but I am already stuck. Please let me explain: The basic problem that I have is that the Xbees echo back whatever they received...
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    Problems with USB to Serial Adapter (USB010): Can't download PICAXE program

    [Edit 06.04.09] The Problem has been resolved: The problem was that Vista automatically Installed the device and used a different a driver version than provided by Rev-Ed: It installed, but the correct ones are If you find yourself in this situation use the "Update...
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    Basic Download Circuit (08M), Swapped serin and ground ?

    Hello, I am having some trouble with my download circuit: Symptom: Doesn't work (gives device not found error in Program Editor) Cause: Well, I don't know (or I wouldn't be posting this :) ), but I think I might have swapped Ground and Serin (serout laptop to serin Picaxe). In the Manual 1...
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    AC motor, controlling with variable voltage

    Hello everybody, As I am eventually trying to use the PICAXE for some climate control (and I am about to place a electronic supply order soon) I would like to know if my basic thoughts on this issue are right: Let me explain: Summary: Using a variable voltage source (80V AC to 230V AC) to...
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    PICAXE Newb; how much output current?

    Hello, I am pretty much new to PICAXE and the world of electronics and I have some "holes" in my theoretical understanding of the way this stuff works. Some being a huge euphemism... But before I ask my question(s) I would like to thank you for this great forum and apologies for any...
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    just a little test

    fldbm mmfbdal bfd,mö :)