Recent content by Shadow1976

  1. S

    interfacing 3g usb dongle to picaxe

    Hi guys, Im building a simple low water detector for my water tank and want it to notify me when its low via an sms. Can you interface a 3g usb dongle to a picaxe? Regards Shadow
  2. S

    picaxe input voltage

    Hi guys, Quick question. Is it possible to operate a picaxe safely with vss above 5 volts? If so how high can you go? Regards Shadow
  3. S

    Input voltage level

    Hi all, I know that you can tie the input to a switch to 5v through a 1k and 10k resistor, but can you tie it to 12v using different resistors and if so what resistor can you use. regards steve
  4. S

    Interrupts query

    Hi guys Is there a way for an interrupt to go to wherever you want in a program and not return to where it came from. I want it to restart program.
  5. S

    ignoring an input

    Hi guys. excellent forum. I am new to picaxe and mcu's but i have a little project that i have become stuck with a bit of code that someone here would probably breeze through. I am trying to create code that would activate an output (say an led) for x amount of time when an input changes state...