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    • K
      kfjl replied to the thread PE6.2.0.0 hanging up.
      dgc188's problem wasn't with simulation.
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      kfjl replied to the thread 433MHz FSK Receiver modules.
      Hi, Maybe you're looking at 4FSK and trying to make sense of it as if it were 2FSK. I didn't know what FSK is so I looked it up and...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Rayax 998.
      Nially :) That would have been my first step. Program an emitter to send 1 to 10 in a loop and power it off a couple of 1.5V...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Rayax 998.
      The factory settings put the baud rate at 115200, so you might need a faster chip to send the first AT commands to slow it down enough...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Rayax 998.
      A bit more usefull: AT commands
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      kfjl replied to the thread Rayax 998.
      Hi, Try DuckDuckGo. PDF
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      kfjl replied to the thread ARRRGH!!!.
      What else?
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      The USB cable works. I did a 5 minute print of an M4 wingnut with no trouble. I'll do progressively bigger print jobs, watching for any...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      Hi, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I use the same model. What a daft place to put the card-reader! I was thinking of an sd card extender...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      That's an impressive layout! Chat GPT isn't cheating, it's a way of getting things done. I don't like it because it takes the fun out...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      My bad. I'll mop up. :) The blogs archive is just above the sandbox, but I wouldn't bother with the wireless stuff. I'd forgotten...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      Three or four decades ago I worked as a pipe-fitter/welder/sheet-metal worker, a lot of the time in industrial food factories. That's...
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      kfjl replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      Hi, GAP, I think the best idea so far is yours : "delusions of grandeur". Collect the information using Buzby's yoghurt-proof...
    • K
      kfjl replied to the thread How to tell PWM to stop.
      Try getting rid of this line: If val < 50 then pwmduty C.1, 239
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