Vdrive2, what's it like now ?


Senior Member
Hi All,

I'm looking to put a USB interface on my current project, for all the usual datalogging type stuff.

Obviously I'd like to use the Rev-Ed route, which means Vdrive2.

Looking through past forum posts there seems to have been issues using this device, issues with firmware, and issues with the documentation.

What's it like now ?


You HAVE to use the serial interface if you want help. I used it for my project, and found that it only supported FAT16. If I were you I wouldn't bother upgrading the firmware until you find a bug - you don't want to brick the device...

Wiring it up and using it was very simple =) You just need a micro with background serial (Many of the 'higher up PICAXEs' have this.

Good luck, and keep us all posted.