USB interaction


Quick question,
If I want the pic to interface with a computer (The picaxe acts as a datalogger), am I oversimplyfing things when I assume that all I need to do is to connect an output pin to the correct part of the USB port, use Serout, and have a C++ app catch the data on the other side? Also, if I was to do so, which one of the Nxxxx or Txxxx settings would I have to use? (I have absolutely no clue what they do :$).

Cheers x


Senior Member
Are you going to connect it directly to a USB port or via a USB to serial converter?

The USB protocol is not supported by PICAXE else we wouldn't be using serial cables for programming them (other PICs do support USB but due to the higher cost (I assume) they decided not to use them).


I dont know yet, what other ways could i transfer data to a PC?
Therementioned serial cable? Do you know if there is an easily avaliable C++ liblary for catching input from a PICAXE? (For the way suggested) - I ve only programmed apps to interface with USB input :) x