Toned Loop Decoder?


Can the PICAXE 08M be used as a Tone loop decoder similar to a 567NE IC?

Can another version of the chip do it, or should I just stick with the 567IC.

On another note,

Is it possible to use the 08M as a programmable logic gate? I have two logic PINS. I need to AND them, but have one input as a NOT.

Should I just use a NAND IC or is it possible to use the 08M.

If so, could some either help, or point me to the right section in the Manuals.




Senior Member
No idea about the first Q but the second;
If pin1 = 1 AND pin2 = 0 then

There are also interrupts,
or logic functions which could be applied to the result of the
'let b0 = pins'
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Any simple logic can be done on the PICAXE - its just a question of speed. Hardware will be faster than code.

PICAXE could be used as a crude NE567, by using Pulsin or Count. But your sample signal would have to be suitable. It couldn't tell the difference between a nice square wave and some noise that just happened to give the same Count for example.
And again you are limited by frequency/speed.
So, within limits, and with a 'nice' signal then yes.
And if you can make it work within the limitations then it can be more flexible than NE567 (and easier to set up and modify).


Ex-Staff (retired)
You will probably be better off sticking with an NE567 for doing tone decoding. It could possibly be done but would involve a lot of work and have limited bandwidth.

Using the PICAXE as a logic gate replacement is fairly easy. Exact code depends on what you want and which pins are used but this works ...

' Z = X And ( Not Y )

Symbol Z = outpin0
Symbol X = pin1
Symbol Y = pin2

Z = Y ^ 1 & X


Senior Member
I agree with hippy, that you would be better sticking with the NE 567. There is a lot of analog processing going on in this chip, based around phase lock loop techniques, that would be impossible to implement with a PICAXE. At the very least you would have to precede the PICAXE with narrow band filter.


Actually Hippy...

Are you the same hippy who has the help site?

I bought these FM modules from jaycar

Transmitter Module: ZW-3100
Receiver Module: ZW-3102

I've been trying to send information from one PICAXE 08M to another via the transmitters using serial in/out

Not getting the results I want. Here is my code... Could you suggest a few things?

' Transmitter Code


b1 = 0
if pin3 = 0 then nosignal
if pin3 = 1 then signalpresent

goto main

low 2
serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
high 0

goto main

low 0
serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
high 2

goto main



' Reciever Code


b1 = 0

serin 4,n300,b1

if b1 = 2 then nosignal
if b1 = 1 then something

nosignal :
high 0
low 2
goto main

high 2
low 0
goto main



I'm using the two Schools Experimenter Packs with the 08M chip. Pins 0 and 2 are LED indicators.

Transmitter works fine. I've test with a scope and the information changes when pin3 is pressed (later to be swaped with a digial IN)

The reciever doesn't pick up the information. It blinks once or twice then stops. PIN3 is Hi on the Tx, the Rx doesnt change.

Help or suggestions welcomed :)
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Oh, we're off at a tangent.

Did any of the previous answers help you make a decision?

Yes, he is the same hippy.

"Could you suggest a few things?"

- yes, I can suggest 2 things:

1. Start a new thread when on a NEW subject
2. Always post a schematic IF the query has potential problems relating to actual electrical/electronic connections.

I haven't looked at your code, so maybe the latter isn't needed. BUT please try and stick to one general subject per thread :)



Hey there,

Sorry about that Dippy! I had a look at the Stuff Manuka and got got things sorted.

Thank you guys SO MUCH!

Got the tx and rx working MINT AS!
