Storing vars in non-vio mem (EEPROM?)


Senior Member
Im still getting started with AXEs, so bear with me.. Where can I store variables in non-vio mem? This is storing in the EEPROM, yes or no?

Peek, Poke? (Oh, which brings me to: Is there a memory chart of the locations to properly use peek & poke?)

A code snipit would be very helpful if you can provide one.

Id like to be able to store states to read back after power is restored, such as last mode the user picked, last temp read, etc..



Senior Member
Read and Write access the EEPROM. Peek and Poke access RAM.
Get and Put access the scratchpad RAM (28X1 and 40X1 only).

EEPROM can be initialised in the programme from the Programming Editor.

Have a close read of the Command Manual. It makes good bedtime reading.