Stack underflow, more returns than gosubs.


Senior Member
' ================================== MAXhelp.bas =================================
' This program uses a PICAXE-08M2 to manually shift-out SPI data to
' a MAX7219 LED display driver. The 7219 is connected to a 4-digit,
' 7-segment LED display. The program displays the word "HELP"

' === Constants ===
' Hardware interface to the MAX7219
symbol sData = 0 					' data out line to Max7219
symbol clock = 1 					' clock line
symbol sLoad = 2 					' pulse briefly to load data onto LEDs

' Register addresses for the MAX7219
symbol decode = 9 				' decode register; specify digits to decode
symbol brite  = 10 				' intensity (brightness) register; 15 = 100%
symbol scan   = 11 				' scan-limit register; specify # of LEDs
symbol on_off = 12 				' 1 = display on; 0 = display off

' === Variables =====
symbol outByte = b0 				' data byte to be transmitted to the LED
symbol maxReg  = b1 				' MAX register that receives the data byte
symbol forMax  = w0 				' We're breaking a rule here! (See text)
symbol index   = b2 				' used in for-next loop

' === Directives ====
'#com 3 						' specify com port
#picaxe 08M2 					' specify PICAXE processor
#terminal off 					' disable terminal window

' ============================== Begin Main Program =============================
setfreq m8
dirsC = %00010111					' set portC as outputs (except C.3, C5,6,7)

' Initialize MAX7219
maxReg = scan 					' set scan limit for digits 0-3
outByte = 3
gosub shout16

maxReg = brite 					' set brightness to 5 (15 = 100%)
outByte = 5
gosub shout16

maxReg = decode 					' set BCD decoding for digits 0-3
outByte = 15
gosub shout16

maxReg = on_off 					' turn display on
outByte = 1
gosub shout16

' Send data to the four digits
maxReg = 1 						' 1st LED from left = "H"
outByte = 12
gosub shout16

maxReg = 2 						' 2nd LED from left = "E"
outByte = 11
gosub shout16

maxReg = 3 						' 3rd LED from left = "L"
outByte = 13
gosub shout16

maxReg = 4 						' 4th LED from left = "P"
outByte = 14
gosub shout16

' ==================== End Main Program - Subroutines follow =====================
for index = 15 to 0 step -1 			' MAX7219 requires a 16-bit word
	if bit15 = 1 then 			' set sdata to correspond to bit15
	  high sData
	 low sData
	pulsout clock, 2 				' briefly pulse the clock line
	forMax = forMax * 2 			' shift char left for next MSB
next index

pulsout sLoad, 2					'briefly pulse the load line
I am using PICAXE VSM Version 7.10. This code is from the book 'PICAXE Microcontroller fro the Evil Genius' So far I am evil but not a genius! I cannot see why I am getting this error!



Ex-Staff (retired)
gosub shout16

' ==================== End Main Program - Subroutines follow =====================
Except the main program doesn't end; it simply falls into the subroutine, eventually hits the RETURN, and then you get the underflow error.

Put an END after the last GOSUB of the program.