SimpleLan availability or alternatives


New Member
Has anyone purchased a SimpleLan unit recently? I ordered one at the beginning of October but it never turned up. After some emails from Scott with details of the shipping (non-trackable) I asked him to send another one. But emails from him have now dried up, I can't see units for sale on eBay any more, and I've had to escalate to a PayPal dispute. :(

All rather sad as they sound like just the job for using with a PICAXE.

Are there any alternatives that someone can recommend?


(I posted this initially in the completed projects section in reply to Stelios but thought it would be better off here)


Senior Member
Jim, in a total of 3 orders placed for the SimpleLan device I never had any issues. Might be the case that your package is held back at the customs?
If you are in a harry to use the modules I suggest you place another order.