SHT15 dewpoint (part 1 of 2)


New Member
Simple program using SHT15.

; read a Sensirion SHT15 for temperature, humidity, dewpoint
; display on an 8x2 LCD and forward using a RevEd ERF transceiver
#picaxe 20X2   ;no X2 specific characteristics used here
; table of natural logs of 0 to 1, as in 1 to 99% humidity
; real logs are negative so signs are reversed in the dewpoint formula
 table 00,(255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,253,241)   ;0-9% RH
 table 10,(230,221,212,204,197,190,183,177,171,166)
 table 20,(161,156,151,147,143,139,135,131,127,124)   ; -1.61, -1.56, etc
 table 30,(120,117,114,111,108,105,102,099,097,094)
 table 40,(92,89,87,84,82,80,78,76,74,71)
 table 50,(69,67,65,63,62,60,58,56,54,52)
 table 60,(51,49,48,46,45,43,42,40,39,37)
 table 70,(36,34,33,31,30,29,27,26,25,24)
 table 80,(22,21,20,19,17,16,15,14,13,12)
 table 90,(11,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01)             ;90-99% RH
; pin 1 - +V
; pin 2 - Serial In ISP 
; pin 3 - C.7, 0V
; pin 4 - C.6, 0V
; pin 5 - C.5, 0V
; pin 6 - C.4, 0V
; pin 7 - C.3, 0V
; pin 8 - C.2, SHT15 data in/out 
; pin 9 - C.1, SHT15 clock out
; pin10 - C.0, 0V
; pin11 - B.7, LCD12
; pin12 - B.6, LCD14
; pin13 - B.5, LCD13
; pin14 - B.4, LCD11
; pin15 - B.3, LCD RS
; pin16 - B.2, LCD E
; pin17 - B.1, SEROUT to ERF
; pin18 - B.0, SERIN from ERF
; pin19 - A.0, Serial Out ISP 
; pin20 - 0V
  symbol sdata = C.2            ; data out to SHT15
  symbol sdatai = pinC.2        ; data in from SHT15
  symbol sclk = C.1
  symbol ERFin = B.0
  symbol ERFout = B.1
  symbol E = B.2                ; 1 = data, 0 = cmd
  symbol RS = B.3
  symbol LCD11 = pinB.4
  symbol LCD13 = pinB.5
  symbol LCD14 = pinB.6
  symbol LCD12 = pinB.7
  symbol MyStationID = 0x54     ; 52, 53, or 54
; 20X2 has RAM b0-b55, w0-w27
  symbol null   = b13      ;null/work
  symbol temp10 = b16      ;w8 temperature in ascii: tens position
  symbol temp01 = b17      ;   temperature in ascii: ones position
  symbol humd10 = b18      ;w9 humidity in ascii: tens position
  symbol humd01 = b19      ;   humidity in ascii: ones position
  symbol dewp10 = b20      ;w10 dewpoint in ascii: tens position
  symbol dewp01 = b21      ;    dewpoint in ascii: ones position

  symbol soT = w17         ;b34 b35
  symbol tF  = W18         ;b36 b37
  symbol tC  = W19         ;b38 b39
  symbol soRH  = W20       ;b40 b41
  symbol rhlin = W22       ;b44 b45
  symbol truRH = W23       ;b46 b47
  symbol dpLn  = W24       ;b48 b49
  symbol dpmT  = W25       ;b50 b51
  symbol dewpt = W26       ;b52 b53
;    9 byte msg transmitted via ERF
; x'55' header
; x'nn' station id
; x'nnnn' two digit temperature in ascii
; x'nnnn' two digit relative humidity in ascii
; x'nnnn' two digit dewpoint in ascii
; x'AA' trailer
   setfreq m8
   input sdata            ;pulled up
   output sclk
   output ERFout
   output RS
   output E
   output B.4
   output B.5
   output B.6
   output B.7
   gosub InitLCD                ; initial setup
   gosub ReadSHT                ; acquire local temperature and humidity

   gosub UpdateLCD              ; display temperature, humidity, dewpoint on local LCD

   serout ERFout,N9600_8,(0x55,0x54,temp10,temp01,humd10,humd01,dewp10,dewp01,0xAA)  ;send data to display station

REM   sertxd ("Temp:",temp10,temp01,"  Humid:",humd10,humd01,"  Dewpoint:",dewp10,dewp01," ",13,10)

   wait 4          ; appx 1 minute between samples
   wait 4                       
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4          ; split into 4 second commands to aid reprogramming without a hard reset
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   wait 4
   goto Main
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