Recommendations for wireless communication between two 18M2

Good Evening,
I am looking for some kind of wireless communication modules to transmit when a mailbox door is opened to a receiving module that will light an LED and play a sound. The distance is 200ft and both modules will have a PICAXE 18m2. Any recommendations?
Thank you for your help.


Have you given up on the (LoRa) RYLR998 ? The complexity of LoRa probably isn't needed for 200 feet range, but much depends if the path is "Line Of Sight" and/or how many obstructions (walls thickness/material , etc.) are in the path? However, it will require a reasonably "competent" design (e.g. based on "Superhet" integrated circuits) and some attention to the Antenna design.

But the primary question must be where are you located? because the solution will (or should) depend highly on the region you are in, i.e. 915 MHz for the USA/Americas, 434 MHz for Australasia/UK and 868 MHz for Europe, etc.. The regulations for 2.4 GHz (i.e. WiFi, Bluetooth) or other "microwave" frequencies up to about 6 GHz do apply (almost) "Worldwide", but those are much more affected by obstructions in the radio path (and will generally consume more power, if a battery is involved).

Cheers, Alan.
I recommend the old HC12 modules. Cheap and easy to program transceivers. In Australia 434 MHz fits the bill, but also available as 915 MHz modules. These can handle obstructions better than 2GHz plus transceivers. I've had a module, battery and solar panel on 6 poles with a 7th module used as a master. 700 meters line of sight to last pole. Reliable operation for many years. Used cheap rubber ducky type antennas. All parts available cheap on Ebay.