Picaxe Firmware Revision List


Senior Member
I see references to the various Picaxe firmware revisions such as A.2, A.3, A.4 etc.
Is there a list somewhere which can be downloaded which identifies the revision history and respective improvements contained in each revision for the firmware in various Picaxe chips?
There has also been comments about workarounds to some “bugs” in past firmware revisions. Are these documented for future reference without needing to search the forum?


Ex-Staff (retired)
There's firmware.txt which can be found in the directory the Programming Editor is installed in, ususally -

C:\Program Files\Programming Editor


Senior Member
commands.rw - list of commands

as well as looking at the firmware revision files that hippy direceted me to, having also seen references to the .rw files recently I looking in these with MS notepad. I notice that these commands in the commands.rw file:


have the i2c part at the front whereas Picaxe manual 2 have the read and write commands with the i2c part at the end. That is, readi2c and writei2c.

Does this affect anything (operation) in the Program Editor?


Ex-Staff (retired)
I2CSLAVE, I2CWRITE, I2CREAD are synonyms for SLAVEI2C, WRITEI2C, READI2C. Either can be used and they will do the same thing.


Another manual omission.

In Manual 2 (Rev 6.6) for EEPROM (DATA) at page 42 we are informed that:
The keywords DATA and EEPROM have identical functions and either can be used.

At page 69 we have hspiin (hshin) and are told:
The hspiin (hshin also accepted by the compiler) command. . . .

At page 70 hspiout (hshout) and we are told:
The hspiout (hshout also accepted by the compiler) command . . .

At page 170 shiftin (spiin) and we are told:
The spiin (shiftin also accepted by the compiler) command . . .

At page 173 shiftout (spiout) and we are told:
The spiout (shiftout is also accepted by the compiler) command . . .

but NOWHERE in the manual is there reference to I2CWRITE or I2CREAD or SLAVEI2C being acceptable alternatives


Oh Westy, surely you're not suggesting the Manuals need changing? ;)

Why don't you offer your services to Rev-Ed as proof reader and 'Editor'?
You seem to have a good 'eye' for this.


Well now you mention it . . .umm . . . . errr, . . . YES :eek:

Rev Ed has corrected a number of more technical items I previously brought to their attention.

They did not take up my ideas to:
- include a Decimal-Hex-Binary-ASCII conversion chart per one of my threads, or
- make available from their site the memory map I produced (though many find it useful)

At the moment Rev Ed has a 13 page word document from me containing typos that were in the previous manuals and most are still there in the latest versions of manuals 1 and 2.