On 8M using Leg7 for SerOut and as an output pin

I need 4 outputs on a Picaxe 08M. Will it be a problem if I connect Out 0 to the programming header AND the Darlington array as shown on the attached schematic?


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Would not be a problem as long as the device conencted via the Darlington Array can tolerate being switched on an off when you are downloading a program to teh PICAXE.

For example, having an LED permanently (via resistor) connected to Out0 is normally not a safety issue but having a motor pulsing or starting and stopping may be an issue.


please reconfirm the chip you are using.
If it is a ULN2803 chip. Well that is the chip number given on your schematic,
pin 9 should be connected to ground (0 volts) and pin 10 is tied to the supply for the free wheeling diodes

However, if it is a ULN2003 (with only 7 "channels" as shown) then your connections are right

Think you are using the ULN2003 as the basis of your pinout
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Senior Member
Agreed. I've used the PICAXE-08(M) Pin 0 extensively for years & never had a problem. Aside from it's output use,even for as grunty an activity as stepper driving, an LED & ~1k resistor across it makes a handy muted download activity indicator. There seems no need to switch it between programming & output with light loads. Stan.