Old dog, new tricks.


Hello all.

I'm returning to microelectronics from a long absence, being more involved in systems of electronics than the nuts and bolts, so time to knock the rust off. I have a few projects that will be using PICAXE devices, so more questions will be following. :D

I've written a program for a simple controler and it works, BUT the way I would have coded it is shown in the comments.
Is there any way that it could be simplified so that it is closer to the way I would have liked to have coded it ?

'terminator program
' input sensors		l_arm = input 0
'			r_arm = input 1
' Outputs 		l_arm_led 	= output 0
' 			r_arm_led 	= output 1
'			Buzzer		= output 7
'			l_arm_laser	= output 4
'			r_arm_laser 	= output 5			

Symbol l_arm_led 	= 0 
Symbol r_arm_led 	= 1 
Symbol l_arm_laser 	= 4
Symbol r_arm_laser 	= 5
Symbol buzzer 		= 7
Symbol l_arm = b0
Symbol r_arm = b1


l_arm = pin0
r_arm = pin1

if r_arm = 1 then low r_arm_laser 		' }
else						' } r_arm_laser = NOT r_arm
high r_arm_laser				' }
endif						' }

if l_arm = 1 then low l_arm_laser 		' }
else						' } l_arm_laser = NOT r_arm
high l_arm_laser				' }
endif						' }

low l_arm_led
low r_arm_led
if r_arm = 0 then low buzzer 			' }
else						' } buzzer = NOT r_arm
high buzzer					' }
endif						' }

gosub delay

if r_arm = 1 then low r_arm_led 		' }
else						' } r_arm_led = NOT r_arm
high r_arm_led					' }
endif						' }

if l_arm = 1 then low l_arm_led 		' }
else						' } l_arm_led = NOT r_arm
high l_arm_led					' }
endif						' }

if l_arm = 0 then low buzzer 			' }
else						' } buzzer = NOT l_arm
high buzzer					' }
endif						' }

gosub delay
goto main


pause 350
Thanks in advance


Ex-Staff (retired)
By defining your outputs using "outpinX" you can use ...

Symbol r_arm_laser = outpin5

r_arm_laser = Not r_arm


PICAXE programming editor version 5.2.2
Running on an Asus EEE 900 ( was linux now XP )
for a PICAXE 18x

'terminator program picaxe 18x
' input sensors 	l_arm = input 0
'			r_arm = input 1
' Outputs 		l_arm_led 	= output 0
' 			r_arm_led 	= output 1
'			Buzzer		= output 7
'			l_arm_laser	= output 4
'			r_arm_laser 	= output 5			

Symbol l_arm_led 		= outpin0 
Symbol r_arm_led 		= outpin1
Symbol l_arm_laser 		= outpin4
Symbol r_arm_laser 		= outpin5
Symbol buzzer 			= outpin7
Symbol l_arm = b0
Symbol r_arm = b1


l_arm = pin0
r_arm = pin1

r_arm_laser = Not r_arm
'if r_arm = 1 then low r_arm_laser 	' }
'else					' } r_arm_laser = NOT r_arm
'high r_arm_laser			' }
'endif					' }

l_arm_laser = Not r_arm
'if l_arm = 1 then low l_arm_laser 	' }
'else					' } l_arm_laser = NOT r_arm
'high l_arm_laser			' }
'endif					' }

l_arm_led = 0
r_arm_led = 0
buzzer = Not r_arm

'if r_arm = 0 then low buzzer		' }
'else					' } buzzer = NOT r_arm
'high buzzer				' }
'endif					' }

gosub delay

r_arm_led = Not r_arm
'if r_arm = 1 then low r_arm_led 	' }
'else					' } r_arm_led = NOT r_arm
'high r_arm_led				' }
'endif					' }

l_arm_led = Not l_arm
'if l_arm = 1 then low l_arm_led 	' }
'else					' } l_arm_led = NOT r_arm
'high l_arm_led				' }
'endif					' }

buzzer = Not l_arm
'if l_arm = 0 then low buzzer 	        ' }
'else					' } buzzer = NOT l_arm
'high buzzer				' }
'endif					' }

gosub delay
goto main


pause 350

the working sloppy code is commented out.

There is no error message, it just doesnt flash the leds, light the lasers or buzz the buzzer :D


ANDNOT and ORNOT are supported keywords
but NOT does not appear :confused: to be included in PICAXE BASIC although the P.E. V5.2.2 shows it in blue colour as a key word.


just did some tests in the PE and NOT does work as a keyword but it is then as expected, a bitwise function


if pin1 = On, high (=1)
then b0 = NOT pin1 gives b0 = 254

if pin1 = Off, low (=0)
then b0 = NOT pin1 gives b0 = 255

so what does OUTPIN4 = 254 give ?

Seems OUTPINx only accepts 0 or 1 as values. Thought it might take the LSB but ????
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I don't know if relevant but if you NOT a byte then it won't just invert the value of 1 to a 0.

NOT 0 = 255 i.e. invert 00000000
NOT 1 = 254 i.e. invert 00000001


I've come to the conclusion its bytewise.
Is there anyway of forcing it to be bitwise ?

e.g bitwise NOT 1 = 0


Well, I don't think you can shift bits on an 18X.
I only had a quick fiddle but couldn't make it do a bitwise NOT (on the simulator).
Maybe do a NOT followed by a /254?
..or even 128 to simulate a 7 bit shift rather than my poor brain doing arithmetic ;)
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Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1

So could use XOR operator instead of NOT to do bitwise inversion (ie Pin1 XOR 1). XOR still operates bytewise but gives the result you're looking for.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Bit Variables

There is no error message, it just doesnt flash the leds, light the lasers or buzz the buzzer :D
This works for me on my hardware ...
#picaxe 18x
Symbol btn = pin0
Symbol led = outpin4
  led = Not btn
The "led = Not btn" is a shorthand equivalent for "led = btn ^ $FFFF". Whether 'btn' were 1, 8 or 16 bit it doesn't matter in this case because the destination 'led' (outpin4) is a 1-bit variable so only the single lsb is used when assigning the resulting value. All internal maths is done at 16-bit then msb's are truncated before assignment ...

btn     acc    ^ $FFFF   lsb    led

 0     $0000    $FFFF     1      1
 1     $0001    $FFFE     0      0
If you wanted to reduce code space, "led = btn ^ 1" can be used but is not as readable nor as clear in intent as using "Not".

When using a variable, it could also be useful to have "b0 = btn ^ 1" (b0=0/1) rather than "b0 = Not btn" (b0=$FE/$FF), but the following does work as expected, due to the truncation on assignment -

b0 = Not btn : led = b0

Which is best to use depends on what one is doing with 'b0' elsewhere.
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When I progam the hardware both examples below work, BUT when using the simulator in the programming editor the Not command doesnt work.

'terminator program picaxe 18x
' input sensors		l_arm = input 0
'			r_arm = input 1
' Outputs 		l_arm_led 	= output 0
' 			r_arm_led 	= output 1
'			Buzzer		= output 7
'			l_arm_laser	= output 4
'			r_arm_laser 	= output 5			

Symbol l_arm_led    	= outpin0 
Symbol r_arm_led    	= outpin1
Symbol l_arm_laser 	= outpin4
Symbol r_arm_laser 	= outpin5
Symbol buzzer 		= outpin7
Symbol l_arm = pin0
Symbol r_arm = pin1


r_arm_laser = r_arm ^ 1
'r_arm_laser = Not r_arm........this doesnt work in the simulator
l_arm_laser = l_arm ^ 1
'l_arm_laser = Not l_arm........this doesnt work in the simulator				

l_arm_led = 0
r_arm_led = 0
buzzer = r_arm

gosub delay

r_arm_led = r_arm ^ 1
'r_arm_led = Not r_arm........this doesnt work in the simulator
l_arm_led = l_arm ^ 1
'l_arm_led = Not l_arm........this doesnt work in the simulator

buzzer = l_arm 

gosub delay
goto main


pause 350

try it :D
The version above works, but un comment the lines with the Not commands and comment out the lines above which should have the same effect, and the simulator doesnt work :(


Ex-Staff (retired)
Yes, this seems to be a simulator issue which we will investigate - It always helps to indicate whether code is being run on real hardware, simulated or within VSM.

As a workround use the "^ 1" and simulation should be as expected.