Merry Christmas and Welcome Sam!


Senior Member
Merry Christmas to all the Forumistas who make this such a helpful and welcoming community. I sent my grand-nephew Sam a box full of PICaxe stuff. He's about 12 and very smart. I sent him a link to the forum so he may be asking some questions here before long. Thanks in advance to all for their attention & patience. He may be answering questions before long, let's train him up right!
I wasn't into Picaxe when the first grand hit age 8 but she did get a "50-in-1" electronics experimenter kit for her 8th birthday. It was among her greatest treasures, as it was in the Sanctum Sanctorum of being stored under her bed ;-) Her younger sister was interested in the projects that made noise ;-) Don't know how much either followed up on electronics but it was a good "mind stretcher".
Erco, A great gift idea!
My boy, Jeff (oldbitcollector)was 8 years old when we gutted our first tv chessis together. A Radio Shack 50 and 1 experimenter kit came later. By age 10 a commodore came into his life!