

Senior Member
Afternoon All,

I recently finish my code for an RGB circuit I was working on. It all works great and Im happy with the results.

I was just wondering though, is there a more efficient way to code the below section of the code. As you can see, at the moment I a fade loop (both on and off) for each colour, but was wondering if there was a better method of coding it that would use only 1 on fade loop and 1 off fade loop, but would then loop through the colours as well?
Only asking to learn really.

symbol Red = 0
symbol Blue = 1
symbol Green = 2
symbol speed = w0
symbol on_time = w2
symbol off_time = w3

setint %00001000, %00001000

readadc C.4,b1  ‘read the value
if b1<20 then chase  ‘range 0-20
goto main

speed = b0 * 10000

		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
            	pulsout Red,on_time
            	off_time = 5000 - on_time
            	pauseus off_time
        	next on_time
        high Red
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
          		pulsout Green,on_time
          		off_time = 5000 - on_time
          		pauseus off_time
       	next on_time
       low Green        

	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed

		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
            	pulsout Blue,on_time
            	off_time = 5000 - on_time
            	pauseus off_time
        	next on_time
	  high Blue
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
          		pulsout Red ,on_time
          		off_time = 5000 - on_time
          		pauseus off_time
       	next on_time
        low Red

	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed

		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
            	pulsout Green,on_time
            	off_time = 5000 - on_time
            	pauseus off_time
        	next on_time
        high Green

	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
		for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
          		pulsout Blue ,on_time
          		off_time = 5000 - on_time
          		pauseus off_time
       	next on_time
        low Blue

	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed
	pause speed

goto main


Senior Member
You could use a variable to switch between the colours in the loops instead of having one for each colour.


Senior Member
 symbol Red = 0
 symbol Blue = 1
 symbol Green = 2
 symbol speed = w0
 symbol on_time = w2
 symbol off_time = w3
 symbol pause_events = b6
 symbol colour_control = b7
 setint %00001000, %00001000
 readadc C.4,b1 &#8216;read the value
 if b1<20 then chase &#8216;range 0-20
 goto main
 	speed = b0 * 10000
	colour_control = Red
	gosub control_colour
	high Red
	gosub speed_pause

 	colour_control = green
 	gosub control_colour
 	low Green 
	gosub speed_pause
	colour_control = blue
 	gosub control_colour
 	high Blue
 	gosub speed_pause

 	colour_control = red
 	gosub control_colour
 	low Red
 	gosub speed_pause
	colour_control = green
 	gosub control_colour
 	high Green
 	gosub speed_pause

 	colour_control = blue
 	gosub control_colour
 	low Blue
 	gosub speed_pause
goto main
	for pause_events = 1 to 6
 		pause speed
 	next pause_events

 	for on_time = 0 to 5000 step 2
 		pulsout colour_control,on_time
 		off_time = 5000 - on_time
 		pauseus off_time
 	next on_time 
Orignal = 208 bytes, now = 136 bytes
Last edited:


Senior Member

Does it use less program space now? Could you use [code][/code] tags to retain white spacing to make it tidier?


Senior Member
Yes, sorry, done that as above, there are more storage savings to be had, but makes it more complex.


There may be some confusion/conflict in your determination of the delay time between each step.
Consider the code segment:
symbol speed = w0
    readadc C.4,b1  &#8216;read the value
    if b1<20 then chase  &#8216;range 0-20
    goto main
    speed = b0 * 10000
In the READADC command you read a value into byte variable b1

In calculating the &#8220;Speed&#8221; word variable you use byte variable b0 as the &#8220;source&#8221; value. Byte variable b0 does not appear anywhere else in the code you posted.

Word variable Speed = w0 which comprises two bytes as the most significant byte (MSB) and least significant byte (LSB). The PICAXE variables overlap such that b1 is also the MSB of variable w0 and b0 is the LSB of variable w0.

While you can reuse a variable there is a need to be careful in doing this.
Since b0 is never seemingly defined elsewhere in the program the delay parameter &#8220;speed&#8221; as calculated by speed = b0 * 10000 would always be zero (0). Should that b0 in fact be b1?

As previously mentioned, if b0 is greater than 6, the variable &#8220;speed&#8221; will overflow &#8211; you may need a multiplier less than 10,000.


Senior Member
This may be the reason for the multiple pause commands.

Since b0 defaults to zero, then "speed" will also be zero. A "pause speed" is then the same as "Pause 0" and
will pause the program only for the time it takes to process the pause command (+-250us) .
So six consecutive "pause speed" commands will pause for about 1.5ms.