LCD via i2c, 19200bps


New Member

I have some problems to get my LCD working. Its a Matrix Orbital LK202-25.

In the manual (Link) on page 15 it says: Default baud rate 19200 bps, default I2C slave address 0x50.

Ive tried a lot of methods without luck. If I just can manage this simple program to work it will make my day!
init: pause 500 

	setfreq em16
	i2cslave %10001010,i2cslow_16,i2cbyte
	writei2c ("Hello world!")
	pause 10
I use a picaxe 28x1.

I have pull-up resistors on both SCL and SDA.
I also have moved the RS-232 jumpers to i2c as mentioned on page 11 in the manual.


New Member
Thanks, but it still dont work...

How can I debug this sort of things?

I have connect my LCD like this: (replaced the SD21 with the LCD)



Senior Member
Read pg 16 of the doc. There are jumpers to set, pullup resistors to add, and you must send a command 254 to tell it to listen for I2C, as the default setup is for rs232. I actually went looking to see if it needs a control byte. I guess so.

The LSB of the data byte selects read or write.