Interrupt on Timer1 with external clock input?


Senior Member
My question to Technical or who ever may know, can an interrupt be implemented on the raising of PIR1 flag (0Ch bit0 TMR1IF) as Timer1 overflows?

There is a good article in Nuts & Volts (May 2006) by Chuck Hellebuyck on USING THE MICROCHIP PIC TIMERS worth a read for those who are wondering what I'm talking about.

Peter H Anderson has a basic file on how to use Timer1 with Picaxe 28X or 40X. <A href='http://' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>


Senior Member
Is this something that could be added to the syntax, Timer1?

<code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'>Timer1:
Timer/counter with interrupt
Internal/external clock
Preset up/down timer or counter (in real time or decimal)
Prescalers/postscalers </font></pre></code>

The beauty of this is the time/counter runs independently of the main program.

Edited by - tarzan on 11/05/2006 00:10:29