forum login


Senior Member
is it possible that we log in when we enter the forum and then we dont have to rewrite the username and the password again and again and again and again and again. it's really annoying really. and there should be a buton. log in automaticly like in other forums.

thank you


Senior Member
Yeah, that would annoy me too ... if it was happening to me. ;)

Turn on the "Remember Passwords" option in the browser prefs and it's all bliss.



Personally, I prefer it that way. Then NOTHING gets into or out of my PC without my express permission and/or knowledge.


Senior Member
It's not protecting your PC, it's protecting your info on the server.

It don't just remember every password I type. Each one is asked with a three button requestor: Yes, No, and Never. I click Never for places that are important like email and banking but for forums it's a no brainer Yes every time.



New Member
yeah, firefox is great for that :)

I like the master password setup, so that if your running a new session, you have to type in the master password once (at least) the first time your asked, and after that it fills in the blanks for you without asking. Then, you just close the browser and your safe until you type in the master password next time you open the browser.

--Andy P