Feature request : 06 Dec 2023 : Allow simulator to send 'sertxd' and 'serout' data to a real COM port


Senior Member
It seems that adding a 3rd party option for a terminal is not going to happen, so how about a different approach ?.

Allow an option for the simulator to send its simulated text stream ( i.e. from serout or sertxd ) to a real COM port.

We know that PE6 already 'knows' about COM ports, so implementing this should be really easy !.

While not as convenient as an integrated terminal, it would allow the use of a physical terminal or a second PC to be used as a fully fledged VT100, or whatever.




Senior Member
You could also loop the serial port and get the transmitted data back into the PC.
It just depends how clever the actual implementation is !.

With just a single COM port the loopback obviously physicaly connects to the same port. Most application development software for Windows treats a COM port as a single device. If PE has got control of the port and is sending stuff out, then any incoming stuff will get sent to PE, which would probably use that to simulate 'serrxd', 'serin', etc.

However, if you have two COM ports, then one can be used by PE and the other by a 3rd party terminal.