doubts on spi communication


Ex-Staff (retired)
You need to be a bit more specific with your question; which PICAXE to start with.


New Member
Sorry, picaxe 28x2 for example i want connect a qt300 capacitance digital convertor of quantum in slave mode. I need picaxe sck out. Thanks


Senior Member
I have used output PICAXE pins for clock - just not a regular clock but one sequenced correctly with data transfers - either HIGH LOW routine or PULSOUT from clock pin depending on your needs [am not aquainted with reference device...]... sequence is determined by program flow design...


Ex-Staff (retired)
HSPISETUP will configure the hardware pins SDI/SDO for data use and SCK for clock output.


New Member
Thanks, i wanted to know it if it was possible before to bought capacitance sensor. To seeing if I can make it work