Does the 40X1 need a resonator when downloading?


Senior Member
Long story short; I had some circuits work except that I'd bust a few of the pins one of the two 40X1's I was using. I replaced it (with an IC socket ;)) but the circuit didn't work. It downloaded fine, but other than that didn't work.
Obviously, it was a physical issue (i.e. soldering). Sure enough I've just found an unsoldered pin. Pin number 14. For all those who don't know the 40X1 pinout off by heart, that one of the two resonator pins.

I have now soldered it, and the circuit still doesn't work so more checking must be done.:rolleyes:
The point is, that the thing still downloaded even though, no resonator was connected. Is this meant to b possible?


the 40X1 has an internal resonator suitable for 4MHz and 8MHz.
If the right command is used, an external resonator can optionally be used for 4MHz, 8MHz and 16MHz.

Read PICAXE Manual 1 page 34 and Manual 2 page 167
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Didn't know that, thanks.:)
Rev Ed do prepare the manuals to help PICAXE users.
They are a gold mine of information if people take the time to read them.

It is then, not so much a case of remembering every last detail,
but having a good idea of what is it the manuals and so where to look.