Can I do that with Blockly?


Senior Member
I'd like to know if is it possible to this with Blockly, without the BASIC block.

Let say I'm using the Bot120.
I'd like to control it with the TV remote and to control the two bumpers.
If I use the TV remote block, there is not a time-out exit.
If I use interrupts, I think only one is posible.
Is there any other posibility?

Of course, I can set two interrupts or I can use irin [100] for example with BASIC.
But I think that my example is very commom in school (for example a bridge with two end-stop switches) and BASIC shouldn't be necesary.

Same for example to serial communication (Bluetooth modules)


Technical Support
Staff member
Timeout on ir/serin is not currently possible without the BASIC block, but we can add it to the wish-list