4D systems GLCD OLED with picaxe?


New Member
I've ordered a 2.83" module from 4D systems and I am trying to get my head around it before it arrives.

I thought I could just send serial instructions to it, much like the rev-ed 2 line LCD display, but it looks like I have to write a program in their language first, download it to the GLCD and only then can I write to it with a picaxe.

Has anyone any code for these little beasties or can anyone confirm the above?

It would be nice if there was a generic program that could receive serial messages to put characters where they should be. Does something like this exist? I will try the 4D systems forum as well...

Ultimate aim is to show a readout of a few parameters such as voltage, current, temperature of a battery pack being charged.


Senior Member
Andrew "Brightspark" & I have had a good workout with these. I'll forward the request,as he rustled up all manner of gee whiz effects.


Senior Member
I have an older, smaller screen from 4d Systems and was able to get it running from serial, and I beleve these can use serial as well. I found an old program of mine, not completely sure now what it does, but I think it changed the background colour on the screen and placed a text character.

wait 2
serout 2,T2400,("U")
wait 2
serout 2,T2400,("E")
wait 2
serout 2,T2400,("Y",$03,$00)