The original signal in #5 looks quite "OOK-Like" (which of course has only two levels) so it may be that you don't need the RSSI signal. It might avoid wasting time trying to decode "data" when there is no useful signal, but a major issue can be the congestion of the 434 MHz band. So there might be a "useful" RSSI level, but not of FSK data, or for the Data that you're actually trying to capture.
A problem with data streams of this complexity is fitting enough information into a single screen image. Most Oscilloscopes seem to be "sampling" types now; with yours showing 5 ms/div, the sampling rate is probably 0.5 ms or 0.25 ms, which is probably insufficient to record all of the data samples. You really need at least two samples per timeslot. Even the low cost "24 MHz" Logic Analysers can take millions of samples with sampling rates of around 1 - 10 us and then you can "zoom in" as required. But also, use the 'scope as a sanity check, that the LA sampling threshold (typically around 1.5 volts) will give sensible results.
The Logic Analyser should also be able to decode Manchester Coding, whose appearance is not intuitive because the data is carried on the Edges of the square wave. It's also known as Phase Encoding because, for example, 000000... and 111111... appear as an almost identical "High frequency" waveform, whilst 0101010101... appears as a "Low(er) frequency.
Cheers, Alan.
Well I seem to be quite a way from understanding the HopeRF RFM01, given that it's presenting my FSK signal (post #5) as :-
The original signal in #5 looks quite "OOK-Like" (which of course has only two levels) so it may be that you don't need the RSSI signal. It might avoid wasting time trying to decode "data" when there is no useful signal, but a major issue can be the congestion of the 434 MHz band. So there might be a "useful" RSSI level, but not of FSK data, or for the Data that you're actually trying to capture.
A problem with data streams of this complexity is fitting enough information into a single screen image. Most Oscilloscopes seem to be "sampling" types now; with yours showing 5 ms/div, the sampling rate is probably 0.5 ms or 0.25 ms, which is probably insufficient to record all of the data samples. You really need at least two samples per timeslot. Even the low cost "24 MHz" Logic Analysers can take millions of samples with sampling rates of around 1 - 10 us and then you can "zoom in" as required. But also, use the 'scope as a sanity check, that the LA sampling threshold (typically around 1.5 volts) will give sensible results.
The Logic Analyser should also be able to decode Manchester Coding, whose appearance is not intuitive because the data is carried on the Edges of the square wave. It's also known as Phase Encoding because, for example, 000000... and 111111... appear as an almost identical "High frequency" waveform, whilst 0101010101... appears as a "Low(er) frequency.

Cheers, Alan.