28X2/16MHz res./setfreq em64/sertxd - pushing the envelope too far?


By my calcs, that results in an outgoing baud rate of 76800 - no good for the (F8) terminal but Bray's terminal allows custom baud rates.

#picaxe 28x2

setfreq em64


  for b1 = 0 to 255
	sertxd("The value of b1 is ",#b1,13,10)
	pause 4000
  next b1

goto main
Output (scroll down lines 87, 92 onwards):
The value of b1 is 0
The value of b1 is 1
The value of b1 is 2
The value of b1 is 3
The value of b1 is 4
The value of b1 is 5
The value of b1 is 6
The value of b1 is 7
The value of b1 is 8
The value of b1 is 9
The value of b1 is 10
The value of b1 is 11
The value of b1 is 12
The value of b1 is 13
The value of b1 is 14
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The value of b1 is 16
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Tèe vaìue of â1 és 224
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Thå vaìue ïæ b1 is 226
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Thå valõå of b1 ió 244
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The value of â1 ió 246
Ôhe öálue of â1 is 247
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Tèe válue of b1 is 251
Thå valõå of â1 ió 252
Thå valõå of â1 is 253
Thå valõå of b1 és 254
Ôèe vaìue ïæ b1 is 255
Bray's Terminal is showing that there are framing errors

My ultimate target is 115200 through hserout - not built that part yet, but will it work if simple sertxd doesn't seem to?



Ex-Staff (retired)
28X2 / 16MHz / SetFreq EM64

Is outside of the PICmicro operational envelope, 40MHz max, so some issues are to be expected.

Testing HSEROUT with 115200 baud at EM32 ( 8MHz resonator ) didn't show any corruption, overruns, framing errors or data loss for me -

#Picaxe 28X2
SetFreq EM32
HSerSetup B115200_32, %010 ' N115200
HserOut 0,( "UUUUUUUUUU The value of w0 is ", #w0, CR, LF )
w0 = w0 + 1

On "not built that part yet", using %010 with HSERSETUP effectively creates an N115200 baud rate so Leg 17 (TX) can be connected directly to a download cable without any inversion or MAX232 required.

That was using a physical COM port. Used with AXE027 the results were not so successful. The data arrives in 'chunks' and there was some data loss. That I suspect is down to the Terminal emulator and OS I'm using on a relatively pedestrian PC ( by today's standards ) which was dropping data itself.

HSEROUT at 115200 baud works as expected, whether it can be received at full-tilt, with back-to-back transmission, is down to other factors.
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28X2 / 16MHz / SetFreq EM64
Is outside of the PICmicro operational envelope, 40MHz max, so some issues are to be expected.
Interesting - never seen that noted anywhere - why does the compiler give an "em64" option if that is so?

That was using a physical COM port. Used with AXE027 the results were not so successful.
AXE027 here as well.

My target is a specialised hardware device with 115200 baud 5v comms that works fine when driven from a PC with level translators in place (and probably inverters in place but it's not documented whether its N or T at the 5v interface, so some experiments needed)

I'll soldier on...ta

EDIT - the "specialised hardware device" will be onboard the PICAXE PCB.
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Senior Member
That's the second time I've mis-read that page of the manual :embarassed:
I made the mistake when I first got them (even after reading that 64Mhz is only supported on 3V X2s) :D.

(To hippy/Technical) Is it possible to add a warning to the programming editor to warn you when trying to run commands that are only officially supported on 3V parts on the 5V parts?