134.2KHz RFID A2 Project

Im currently studying A2 electronic systems and control and are designing an RFID system for sheep. I've started off by using the ID-12 RFID reader to get an idea of things with great success! Unfortunately i've now hit a brick wall :( I've managed to get hold of some Texas instruments TMS3705 IC's. The ID-12 doesnt fulfill my needs for reading 134.2khz tags so ive moved onto this as its the only IC ive fount that will read these tags. Is there any way you can interface these IC's with any PICAXE IC's? or are there any easier ways to read 134.2 tags, ie througha different IC?

Below are the data sheets ive managed to find and i cant make sense of the data communication stuff :S

Help would be much appreciated as my teacher has no experience with RFID!



Senior Member

I am guessing this thread is a little old now, but if you are still interested i have a copy of the RFID protocol for amimal tags used in Australia.

I dont think the TMS3705 is the right protocol for the tag system used.(they are 125Khz half duplex tags)
I have been involved with building a tag reader for cattle eartags (same protocol as sheep)

If you still need help than i may be able to offer some assistance.
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