4 Amp Stepper Controller System


Having seen cases where members are trying to connect larger or higher current rated stepper motors, I have spied that ST Microelectronics make a two IC solution that can be used for up to 4 Amps total (2Amps per channel) DC current.

Repetative peak current is 2.5 Amps per channel.

L297 controller chip http://www.futurlec.com.au/Others/L297.jsp

L298 "driver" chip http://www.futurlec.com.au/Others/L298.jsp

While a little more complex as a 2-chip solution than the L293D, they do allow for motors with higher currents.

Also located an ST Microelectronics Applications Note for the L297 chip:

Futurlec (at least here in Aust ) stock the L297 and L298 chips


New Member
I purchased a 297/298 driver board from the reprap store.

Nice board. Easy to build. Build instructions are at:make.rrrf.org/smd-1.2

Worked first time. All you send is direction and step.

2 amps out per phase. 2 phases on simultaneously. I'm using the same output pins as was hooked to my ULN2003 layout. $25 bucks.

Actually had the 2003s on a board so, pulled the chip and used jumpers plugged into the socket to get the same pinout from the board. Plugged it all in and presto. Worked! :)