Code question


Senior Member
Hi all, I am making an electronic dice project which uses a tilt sensor to trigger random numbers on a 3d printed dice with LED's. The program works pretty well, but when I tilt the dice, it is supposed to initiate a counted loop form 1 to 20 and display 20 random numbers before it settles on a number. The problem, however, is that the FOR...NEXT loop never completes the 20 iteration cycle, and stops after random amounts of iterations. Here is the code. Any ideas why it is doing this would be appreciated.

setfreq m16	'set clock speed to 16MHz

hintsetup %00100010	'configure hardware interrupt on pin B.0
dirsC=%10111111		'set direction of portC pins (1=output, 0=input)

symbol switch_val=pinC.6	'tilt switch input
symbol rand_num=w0		'word variable to store random number (0-65536)
symbol dice_roll=w1		'word variable to store random number from 1 to 6	
symbol pattern1=%00000001	'pattern1		'pattern2		'pattern3		'pattern4
symbol pattern2=%00000110	'#########		#########		#########		#########
symbol pattern3=%00011000	'#       #		#     # #		# #	  #		#	  #	
symbol pattern4=%10100000	'#   #   #		# 	  #		#	  #		# #	# #
symbol noLED=%00000000		'#       #		# #	  #		#     # #		#  	  #		
			              '#########		#########		#########		#########	

settimer t1s_16	'activate internal timer

	do while pinc.6=0		'start a loop which iterates while switch is open (0)
		timer=0		'reset timer to 0
		for b20 = 1 to 20
			random rand_num			'generate a random number from 1-65536	(2^16)
			dice_roll= rand_num // 7	'scale rand_num value to a number between 1 and 6
			gosub LED
			pause 100
		next b20

'sertxd(#timer,cr,lf)	'debug to output timer value to terminal
if timer > 5 then		'if timer exceeds 5 seconds... (change this value to desired timout period in seconds)
	pinsC=noLED		'turn of all LEDs
	sleep 0		'put microcontroller into SLEEP mode to conserve power
end if

goto main			'return to beginning of main loop

LED:						'sub-procedure to check rand_num and turn on corresponding LEDs
	if dice_roll=0 then
		goto main
	elseif dice_roll=1 then
	elseif dice_roll=2 then
	elseif dice_roll=3 then
		pinsC=pattern1 OR pattern2
	elseif dice_roll=4 then
		pinsC=pattern2 OR pattern3
	elseif dice_roll=5 then
		pinsC=pattern1 OR pattern2 OR pattern3
	elseif dice_roll=6 then
		pinsC=pattern2 OR pattern3 OR pattern4
	end if
return	'return to main loop and continue program execution after calling statement

PS: patterns in this post are not displaying correctly


Ex-Staff (retired)
I would guess this in your 'LED:' subroutine could be causing some problems...

if dice_roll=0 then
		goto main


Senior Member
I've isolated the problem to the line:

dice_roll= rand_num // 7
when I comment out this line and hardcode the value of dice_roll, the loop iterates 20 times every time I tilt the dice. Not sure why this would cause the problem though.


Senior Member
you were right Hippy, hard coding the value worked as it would never result in 0, thus would not exit the loop prematurely. I overlooked the obvious. Thanks.