I currently post values to Thingspeak using a Picaxe 08M2 and ESP 0866 and would like


New Member
Sample Code which is similar code which I successfully use with Thingspeak

readtemp C.1, temp_now 'Read temperature from DS18B20, and store it in b1.
bintoascii temp_now,b11,b12,b13 'Convert current temperature from binary to ASCII.

serout C.4,baud,("AT",13,10) 'Send attention command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWQAP",13,10) 'Send disconnect from Wi-Fi command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+RST",13,10) 'Send reset command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWMODE_CUR=1",13,10) 'Send STA command+CR+LF to ESP-01.
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CWJAP_CUR=",34,"SSID",34,",",34,"password",34,13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CIPSTART=",34,"TCP",34,",",34,"https://maker.ifttt.com",34,",80",13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("AT+CIPSEND=72",13,10)
serout C.4,baud,("/trigger/temp_limit/with/key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",13,10)
pause 5000


Technical Support
Staff member
Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

You unfortunately seem to have lost the end of your code which actually passes the data over. If you put your code within [code]...[/code] tags it will keep its original indentation and formatting.


New Member
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Senior Member
I'm not sure what you want to achieve. I use Thingspeak a lot and the upload process is easy, you appear to be close to the final solution, what is the problem?