Using Datalink to display the value of a World variable

I have built a dynamometer that measures RPM and torque. The value of the Torque is measured using strain gauges.

The variable I need to display in datalink is the result of the product of the RPM and the ADC value from the strain gauge.

My question is how do I send the value of the variable to the Datalink. :confused:


Going on memory here:
Use the SERTXD or serout command.

When you open the PE datalink using [F9] you can select the Baud rate from a small range of speeds to match the PICAXE clock speed and/or specified baud rate.

Start the data link and then start sending data almost immediately.
Any pause in data transmission for more than 5 seconds and the datalink stops receiving.

With PE5 and maybe PE6 there is a 2 Kbyte wrap-around buffer.

Once your data is received, it can be saved as a comma delimited (csv) file.
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