Steps to use Tune Command


Hi, I am referring to the Tune Command in 'A guide to using flowcharts within PICAXE Editor 6'.
My screenshot in PE6 for the Tune Command was different from that shown on page 14. The one on page 14 did not prompt with a first line "Please paste tune below this line....".
Tune Command 1.jpg
At the same time, there is instruction at the top of the window "Click and run RingTone Wizard, then paste generated BASIC below".
Please confirm if the steps to use the Tune Command as as follows :
(a) from the picture shown above, click to run the RingTone Wizard
(b) In the RingTone Wizard under Select Piezo Pin, select C.6
(c) By now, click open RTTTL txt file. E.g. I did a google search for Brahm's Lullaby and the result
showed as "Brahms - Lullaby:d=8,o=5,b=180:g, g, 4a#, p, g, g, 4a#, p, g, a#, d#6, d6, c6, 4c6, 4a#, f, g, g#, f, f,
g, g#, p, f, g, d6, c6, 4a#, 4d6, 4d#6" I saved this into a text file.
but when I click "Open RTTTL txt file", I did not get a window prompting me to load a text file (and then I load
this text file). If I want this tune, how to I bring it in ?
(d) Once the tune is chosen, then I click generate basic file (this step was not mentioned on page 14 of the manual)
(e) Then I click generate wav file and close the window
Is this sequence of steps right ?