simulator and let pins % not working with 18m2 chips


New Member
Hi all
On prog editor version 5.5 the simulator does not work when using the let pins % with 18m2 selected. It does with 18x, 18A @ & 18m. It does not work either when I download. Am I correct in assuming that let pins @% command does not work in m2. Versions?


Senior Member
Am I correct in assuming that let pins @% command does not work in m2. Versions?
No. It should work fine. I suspect the problem is with your code/syntax. Please post your code so that we can see what the problem is.


Technical Support
Staff member
The problem is that with the 18M2 you need a 'let dirsB =255' first, because on the 18M2 the pins default to inputs (not outputs as on the earlier parts).