Eagle library of current picaxe chips


Senior Member
Dear all,

Not finding what I need on the net and learning how to design parts in Eagle at the same time, I spent an afternoon designing a library containing all the current picaxe chips. To save everybody some work, here is my version. Feedback appreciated.





Senior Member
Thank you for sharing that. I looked through the library, and at a glance, all parts look good.


Senior Member
Edmunds, sorry you didn't find my library in your searches! But building footprints is a great skill acquire because so many new parts are being released in SMD format that don't conform to an existing type. Your thread reminded me to upload the updated version of my library that has all the chip legs labeled for PWM/ADC, etc. Really makes it easy to layout a schematic and then tweak shuffling pin connections around for optimal trace routing. The link to it is in my signature below.