programmin a normal PIC ?


Senior Member
Basically no - it generates code that the Rev-Ed Picaxe interperets - bare Pic no Picaxe interpreter :rolleyes:


Technical Support
Staff member
Actually Logicator can but it only supports a limited ranges of PIC types, requires configuring for such use, requires the purchase of programming hardware, does not offer much above what a PICAXE provides for ( and generally less ) and is primarily supported for legacy users who were using PIC before the PICAXE arrived.

So; yes it is possible but it is not an option which would be recommended.

PS : Welcome to the forum, diegosantos.


New Member
A year ago Chap over on another forum was seeking a 12F675 microcontroller Free Flight Timer and kindly offered payment provided that it was not Picaxe.

Suffering greatly from inverse snobbery I made a simplistic Picaxe program and posted it in another section of that forum.
But as a bit of a challenge I tried to use the Picaxe wizard to convert it to Pic 12F675 native code and program one with the Picaxe Programmer. So, being me, of course I posted it in the Picaxe section, well he didn't want Picaxe so he certainly wouldn't want to know about the Wizard.

I have dug out the breadboard that still has the Picaxe 08M2 and a Pic 12F675 and can swap the chips without discernible difference in operation.
The ASM code at 2000 lines?? is too long for the Forum so truncated, it shows 629 but is working on a 675 as in the photo.


'Free Flight Timer Requirements
'1. When switched on, Timer is set to open throttle position (default)
'2. Engine is started, short button press starts timer, LED lights timer is armed.
'3. Time elaps, engine is cut, throttle stays low until switched off.
'Switch1 on GPIO3,pin4 Start Timed engine run and also on Switch1
'Switch1 hold down while switching ON to record new Time
'Steady LED = Timer is running
'1 second flash when new time is being recorded
#Picaxe 08M2  ' delete the 2 in this declaration if using 08M
eeprom 0,(15) '              pre-loading Time elapse into non-volatile memory

  servo 1,200 '               servo to high, initiating servo command
  if pin3=1 then main '     Switch for new Time at Switch/ON only
  servopos 1,200 '          Hi throttle, (default)
  pause 22 '                  wait for GO and time for servo RC frame
  if pin3=0 then start2 '   Initiate Time at Hi throttle
  high 2 '                  Timer running,    Steady LED during Hi 
  read 0,b0 '                 Get Time, in seconds from eeprom
  for b2=1 to b0 '          Count off the seconds
  wait 1 '                     1 second
  next b2 '                    Inc counter
  low 2 '                       Time finished LED extinguished
  servopos 1,100 '          Low throttle held till switch is OFF
  pause 100 '                 Servopos works in background,needs time
  goto Fin '                    Stay Low till switched off
  servopos 1,100 '               Indicates Changing Time
  high 2
  pause 500 '                 Half second ndicator
  low 2
  pause 500 '                 Second half second             
  b2=b2+1 '                   Added to b2
  if pin3=1 then main'        Switch to end new Time
  write 0,b2 '                  Replace old Time in eeprom
  low 1 '                     
  goto start '             End of new timing. Switch OFF
;<B> Shows original Basic statement

;Generated by: BAS2ASS Compiler (Programming Editor)
;File Version:  3.20
;From source : c:\docume~1\temp\code.bas
;Copyright: (c) Revolution Education Ltd 1997-2003
;Web:        [url][/url]

;Limitations:   Please see end of file below.

; *******************************
; ***** Setup MPASM defines *****
; *******************************

 list p=12F629  ; list directive to define processor
 #include <>  ; processor specific variable definitions
 errorlevel -302   ; suppress page warning 302

; **********************************
; ***** Setup PICmicro config. *****
; **********************************

; All routines for 4MHz oscillator (using internal oscillator)


;Warning - the watchdog timer is set and may timeout on loops
;that take longer than 2.3s & do not include a 'clrwdt' instruction!

; ******************************
; ***** RAM File Registers *****
; ******************************

 CBLOCK h'20'
Temp  ; Temporary Scratchpad
HighByte ; High Byte Value
LowByte  ; Low Byte Value
HighByte2 ; High Byte2 Value
LowByte2 ; Low Byte2 Value
HighTemp ; High Temp Byte Value
LowTemp  ; Low Temp Byte Value
HighRand ; High Random Byte Value
LowRand  ; Low Random Byte Value
B0  ; Basic Byte Variable
B1  ; Basic Byte Variable
B2  ; Basic Byte Variable
B3  ; Basic Byte Variable
B4  ; Basic Byte Variable
B5  ; Basic Byte Variable
B6  ; Basic Byte Variable
B7  ; Basic Byte Variable
B8  ; Basic Byte Variable
B9  ; Basic Byte Variable
B10  ; Basic Byte Variable
B11  ; Basic Byte Variable
B12  ; Basic Byte Variable
B13  ; Basic Byte Variable

 #define PORTIN GPIO ;define inputs on gpio
 #define PORTB GPIO ;define portb as gpio for output commands
 #define TRISB TRISIO ;define trisb as trisio for output commands

; ***********************************
; ***** Start of assembler code *****
; ***********************************

; ***** Reset vector *****

 org d'00'  ; Reset vector
 btfss STATUS,NOT_TO ; Return if Watchdog Timeout
 goto B_init  ; jump to B_init

; ***** Interrupt vector *****

 org d'04'  ; Interrupt vector
 return   ; Return by default

; ******************************************
; ***** Start of common sub-procedures *****
; ***** All added even if not required *****
; ******************************************

; ***** Get a pin mask value *****

 clrf PCLATH          ; make sure page 0
 andlw b'00000111' ; mask just in case
 addwf   PCL,F           ; W = Bit Mask
 retlw   b'00000001' ; return pin0
 retlw   b'00000010' ; return pin1
 retlw   b'00000100' ; return pin2
 retlw   b'00001000' ; return pin3
 retlw   b'00010000' ; return pin4
 retlw   b'00100000' ; return pin5
 retlw   b'01000000' ; return pin6
 retlw   b'10000000' ; return pin7

; ***** Pause sub-procedure (ms units) *****

pause:      ;Pause (word length delay)
 comf HighByte,F ;Take 2's complement
 comf LowByte,F ;of word value
 incf LowByte,F ;
 btfsc STATUS,Z ;
 incf HighByte,F ;

 call B_Del_lp     ;do 1ms delay
 incf LowByte,F ;check LowByte
 btfsc STATUS,Z ;if not done skip
 incfsz HighByte,F ;HighByte all done?
 goto $-4  ;do another loop

; Delay for 1ms (=1000 us) routine

 movlw   d'100'          ; 100 x 10us = 1ms loop
 movwf   LowTemp

B_lp1: clrwdt                  ; 1us pat the dog
 goto    $+1             ; 2us delay
 goto    $+1             ; 2us delay
 goto    $+1             ; 2us delay
 decfsz  LowTemp,F       ; 1us skip if zero
 goto    B_lp1           ; 2us loop 1

 return                  ; return

; ***** Compare two values to see if =, > or < *****

compare:                        ; compare sub-procedure
 movfw   LowByte2        ; get LowByte2 variable
 subwf   LowByte,W       ; LowByte2 - LowByte
 btfss   STATUS,C        ; test carry
 retlw   B'00000010'     ; LowByte < LowByte2 so set bit 1
 incf    LowByte2,W      ; get HighByte + 1 into W
 subwf   LowByte,W       ; LowByte - (LowByte2+1)
 btfss   STATUS,C        ; test carry
 retlw   b'00000001'     ; LowByte = LowByte2 so set bit 0
 retlw   b'00000100'     ; LowByte > LowByte2 so set bit 2

; *********************************
; ***** End of sub-procedures *****
; *********************************

; *********************************
; ***** Start of main program *****
; *********************************

; ***** Initialise the Ports *****

 clrf GPIO       ; clear GPIO
 call H'3FF'       ; retrieve calibration byte
 bsf     STATUS,RP0      ; move to page 1
 movwf OSCCAL  ; into register
 bcf     STATUS,RP0      ; move to page 0
 movlw b'00000111'     ; set port
 movwf CMCON           ; to digital input
 bsf     STATUS,RP0      ; move to page 1
 movlw   b'11111111'     ; set all high
 movwf   OPTION_REG      ; set option register
 movwf   TRISIO          ; set gpio as inputs
 bcf     STATUS,RP0      ; move to page 0

; ***** Clear all the variables *****

 movlw B13  ; get highest variable
 movwf   HighTemp ; store in HighTemp
 movlw   B0              ; get start variable
 movwf   FSR  ; set FSR
 clrf    INDF            ; clear indirect register
 incf    FSR,F  ; increment FSR
 decfsz  HighTemp,F ; all done?
 goto    B_clear  ; no so loop

; *****************************************
; ***** Now include the Basic program *****
; ***** The original is prefixed <B>  *****
; ***** and added as a comment below. *****
; *****************************************

;<B> '1. When switched on, Timer is set to open throttle position (default)

;<B> '2. Engine is started, short button press starts timer, LED lights timer is armed.

;<B> '3. Time elaps, engine is cut, throttle stays low until switched off.

;<B> 'Response

;<B> 'Switch1 on GPIO3,pin4 Start Timed engine run and also on Switch1

;<B> 'Switch1 hold down while switching ON to record new Time

;<B> 'Steady LED = Timer is running

;<B> '1 second flash when new time is being recorded

;<B> '#Picaxe 08M2  ' delete the 2 in this declaration if using 08M

;<B> eeprom 0,(15) '              pre-loading Time elapse into non-volatile memory
 ;EEPROM data is embedded at end of file


;<B>   pulsout 1,200 '               servo to high, initiating servo command
 bsf STATUS,RP0 ;page 1
 bcf TRISB,1  ;pin low for output
 bcf STATUS,RP0 ;page 0

 clrf HighByte ;clear higher byte
 movlw d'1'  ;get value
 call getmask  ;get


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