PICAXE and WTV020-SD-mini


New Member
Has anyone done any projects with PICAXE controlling a WTV020-SD-mini module.
Any circuits or code will be greatly appreciated!


New Member

Thank you for the quick reply, eclectic. I already looked at that thread, but unfortunately it does not mention te WTV020 device or how to connect it to a PICAXE. The documentation states that the WTV020 can be controlled with three pins: RST, CLK and DI. I just have not figured out how to do it yet. So, once again; any code and/or schematics will be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
Assuming that it is the same protocol as the SOMO-14D, the following code may be of help. The program is for a RC sailboat race countdown timer using a PICAXE-18X.

'Countdown timer using PICAXE-18X and SOMO-14D sound recorder chip
'Kevin Goom, September 7 2008
'PICAXE-18X connections are:
' Leg 1 (In2)   Hold/Race switch (10K to ground, switch to 5V)
' Leg 2 (Serial out)  NC       
' Leg 3 (Serial in)        Tie to ground through 10K resistor
' Leg 4 (Reset)            Tie to +5V through 4.7K, switch to ground
' Leg 5 (Ground)       Negative of battery
' Leg 6 (Out0)       Bi-color status LED through 310 ohm resistor        
' Leg 7 (Out1)    NC
' Leg 8 (Out2)           NC
' Leg 9 (Out3)           NC
' Leg 10(Out4)           Leg 4 (DATA) of SOMO-14D
' Leg 11(Out5)           Leg 3 (CLK) of SOMO-14D
' Leg 12(Out6)           NC (but used as dummy pause/pulse output)
' Leg 13(Out7)           NC
' Leg 14(V+)       +5V
' Leg 15(In6)    Tie to ground (or +5V)
' Leg 16(In7)   BUSY output from SOMO-14D
' Leg 17(In0)   Countdown time select
' Leg 18(In1)   Run/Pause (10K to ground, switch to 5V)
symbol Dat=W0    'Data to send to SOMO-14D
symbol CD_Time=b2   'Countdown time
symbol Status=b3   '1 = Running 0 = Paused
symbol One_Sec=1000   'Nominal 1 second. Adjust to get accurate timing
symbol Hold_Race=b6   'High = Race, Low = Hold
symbol Temp=b7
symbol Pout=20    'Set clock pulse to 200us (at 4MHz)
symbol Pout_start=200  'Set start/stop clock pulse to 2ms (at 4MHz)
#Picaxe 18X
'setfreq m8
setint %00000000,%00000000 'Clear the interrupt initially 
high 5     'Make sure clock line is high initially (idles high)
Status=0     'Set "Status" to Pause
Dat=$FFFF     '=%1111111111110111, stop SOMO-14D on startup or reset
gosub Send_Data1
Dat=$FFF7     '=%1111111111110111, set volume to max
gosub Send_Data1
Dat=1     'Play "Countdown Timer Ready", file 0001.ad4, on startup or reset
gosub Send_Data1
pause One_Sec
pause One_Sec
setint %00000000,%00000000 'Clear the interrupt
Status=0     'Set "Status" to Pause
low 0     'Pause indicator LED on
if pin1=0 then loop0  'Wait for "Start" signal
high 0     'Status indicator high (run LED lit)
Status =1     'Set "Status" to Run
pause 1000    'Pause to avoid immediate interrupt
setint %00000010,%00000010 'Set interrupt to look for Start/Resume/Reset button press
readadc 0,CD_Time   'Read countdown time (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 minutes)

if pin2=1 then
  Dat=2     'Play "Prepare to Start"
  gosub Send_Data1
  pause One_Sec
  pause One_Sec
  for b12=1 to 10   'Tick 10 times
    gosub Send_Data1
    pause One_Sec
  next b12
goto begin
  low 5
  pulsout 6,Pout_start     'Pause 2ms by pulsing dummy pin (needs >2ms low start clock level)
  for Temp=1 to 15       'Loop through first 15 bits
    outpin4=bit15        'Set data to MSB
    pulsout 5,Pout       'Clock high for 200us to latch data on pin1
    pulsout 6,Pout       'Pause 200us by pulsing dummy pin (low clock)
    Dat=Dat*2            'Shift left to get next significant bit
  next Temp
  outpin4=bit15          'Set last data bit
  high 5                 'Clock idles high after last bit sent
  pulsout 6,Pout_start   'Pause 2ms by pulsing dummy pin (needs >2ms high stop clock level)
  low 5    'Set clock line low
  pulsout 6,Pout_Start 'Pause 2ms by pulsing dummy pin (needs >2ms low start clock pulse)
  for Temp=1 to 8  'Loop through 8 bits of b1
 outpin4=bit15   'Set data to MSB
 pulsout 5,Pout  'Clock high for 200us to latch data on pin1
 pulsout 6,Pout  'Pause 200us by pulsing dummy pin (low clock)
 b1=b1*2   'Shift left
  next Temp
  for Temp=1 to 8  'Loop through 8 bits of b0
 outpin4=bit7    'Set data to MSB
 if Temp=8 then
   high 5   'Clock idles high
   pulsout 6,Pout_Start 'Pause 2ms by pulsing dummy pin (needs >2ms high stop clock pulse)
   pulsout 5,Pout 'Clock high for 200us to latch data on pin1
   pulsout 6,Pout 'Pause 200us by pulsing dummy pin (low clock)
 b0=b0*2     'Shift left
  next Temp
   if Status=1 then
    if pin7=1 then
      Dat=65527   'Pause SOMO-14D if it is playing
      gosub Send_Data2
        Status=0   'Set status to pause
    low 0    'Status indicator low (pause LED lit)
    Pause 1000   'Pause to allow button release     '
    if pin1=0 then loop1 'Wait for next button push
       Dat=65527   'Resume SOMO-14D from pause state
       gosub Send_Data2
    Status=1   'Set status to run
    high 0    'Status indicator high (run LED lit) 
    Status=1   'Set status to run
    high 0    'Status indicator high (run LED lit)
   Pause 2000    'Pause to allow button release
   setint %00000010,%00000010 'Reset interrupt
You can probably find the SOMO datasheet on the internet.

I have more recently used the TBD380 sound module for the same purpose. It has the advantage of being able to play .mp3 files avoiding conversion to the .ad4 format for the SOMO


New Member
Thank you very much, goom! The info you gave me was exactly what I was looking for. There were several good examples and I was able to adapt one of them to control the WTV020-SD.

Once again, Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it!